Advanced SubSurface Irrigation System using Hydrorock(ASSIST)

Samenvatting project

ASSIST aim to develop amnd test a new technology for sub-surface irrigation of crops to save water and reduce operational cost specially adapted (but not limited) for water scarce regions. The core of the project is the application of the Hydrorck technology, blocks of stone wool composed by molten rock that is spun into fibers and formed into a block (100% natural material). This material has te capacity to store and deliver water, acting as a subsurface reservoir of water for plants. Since the material is underground, the direct evaporation is minimised and therefore water eficiency is higher. The project also aim to develop an in-situ remotely monitoring and management system of the irrigation devices. The consroutium is composed by Hydrorock International BV (HR), Smart Farm Sensing (SFS) and Wageningen Environmental and Research (WUR) and is testing the system in a pilot located in Dubai, with the support of the
International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

Project video

Doel van het project

The aim of the project is to develop a new technology for sub-surface irrigation of crops to save water and reduce operational cost specially adapted (but not limited) for water scarce regions. This technology will be based in the use of the rockwool aquifer blocks developed by HR in the SFS technology to remotely monitor and operate the system and in the knowledge and tools from WUR to maximize crop production against the lowest water use (water productivity) To achieve this goal the following sub-objectives are pursued:•Adapt the current aquifer blocks to be used as a commercial sub-surface irrigation device (from TRL 3-4 to TRL 6-7).•Optimal design of the irrigation system and test its performance compared with other traditional irrigation methods through a pilot located under semiarid conditions (Dubai).•Develop a remote monitoring and control system to operate the irrigation scheme in the most efficient way (when to apply water and how much)•Asses the costs/ benefits of the current irrigation system•Asses the movement of water between the rockwool and different soils types (and vice versa) in order to re-design the current aquifer blocks into a new subsurface irrigation device suitable for a large spectrum of regions (TRL 6-7). The possibility to use the system as a dual irrigation/drainage system (reverse drainage) will be also assessed.


Water is a precious resource that should manage with the most precautions. Agriculture usually suppose between 70-80% of the water withdrawal. The use of modern irrigation technologies allow us to apply the exact amount of water (and nutrients) required by the plants. However most of the farmer still use old and inefficient systems. This project aim to develop a new and costly efficient irrigation and water management technology looking for a more efficient water use and higher crop yields while saving on labour operation and maintenance cost. BackgroundHydrorock (HR) is a company focused on sustainable water management. Rockwool is the basic application for all products of the company. HR is specially developed rockwool for water management as a climate adaptive solutions for water management. The type of rockwool used has a characteristic that it can absorb 95% water of its own weight. That is why it is among others suitable as buffer material for water. Moreover the material also releases water fast to the environment. For the time being HR was mainly focused in flood management (drainage) thanks to the capacity of their elements to absorb the water from the saturated soil and delivered into drainage pipes. At this moment HR is active in two areas:1. Drainage buffer and infiltration2. Decoupling of sky water (houses)Recently multiple clients have been asking HR if the material can also be used for irrigation. This project aims to investigate if those elements can be used for precision irrigation providing the required water for crops directly into the root zone minimizing water losing though direct evaporation or leaching. HR has special interest to test this technology in water scarce areas such as Middle-East and old Persia where either water has become so limited that it threatens agricultural production or where modern irrigation techniques are still not widely implemented.



Uitgevoerde acties

1) Asses the most relevant parameters for adapting the current HR elements for irrigation and design a system to monitor and operate the irrigation scheme. 2) A pilot to test the HR elements and the Monitoring and Operational system is developed in Dubai under a semi-arid conditions (date palms).3) Lab experiments with different type of soils and Modelling for new type of irrigation elements suitability for dual irrigation/drainage system.4) Cost benefit analysis.

Verwachtte resultaten

1) A report with a detailed description of the potentiality of the HR elements to be used for irrigation and a pilot lay-out to test the HR elements and the Monitoring and Operational system.2) A report with the main results from the Pilot.3) A report on the optimization of the use of rockwool material for irrigation under different conditions and as a dual irrigation/drainage system.4) Prototype – A new elements is constructed based on Lab experiments and ready for its testing on field conditions.5) A report with a cost benefit analysis is developed


The aim of this innovation is to develop a more efficiency subsurface irrigation technology able to provide the required water to the crops while minimizing the water losses by direct evaporation or infiltration. Since the technology is already developed for other purposed with this innovation we aim to move from a TRL3-4 to a TRL6-7 at the end of the project.Up to now the HR elements were not designed or previously used for the purpose of irrigation. This project will assess the suitability of this technology while new innovations are required in order to adapt the elements to the concrete characteristic of irrigation.In order to monitor and operate the system a remotely control system is required. To do that several innovations are required in order to adapt the traditional control systems used in irrigation to a one able to measure and control at the same time the water levels in the delivery elements (aquifer blocks) and in the soil in order to provide only the water required by the plants. This technique has not been applied before and has a great potential for water scarce areas.Although it is not the core of the project the system could be also suitable as a dual drainage-irrigation device (reverse drainage) providing or draining water according to the soil conditions. This innovation could be very useful in other context such as The Netherlands where more drought related problems are occurring during the last years. For example there are already some developments in Brabant where subsurface soil irrigation is being used for irrigation. In the Bavaria brewery they are using subsurface drainage pipes for irrigation. To improve and optimize these types of systems even more this research could contribute by gaining knowledge on subsurface irrigation systems. Regarding the (long term) environmental and health consequences of using rock wool underground Hydrorock International BV has already the required certifications.


1) Report describing the potential use of rockwool for underground irrigation and lay-out for testing.
WEnR, HR, SFS and other interested partners (open source) to benefit from it.
This information could be used by interested parties to develop new irrigation related products and technologies
based on rockwool
2) Report with the main results from the pilot.
WEnR, HR, SFS and other interested partners (open source) to benefit from it.
HR and SFS can validate the functioning of their system for future commercialization. Other interested parties can
develop new irrigation related products and technologies based on rockwool.
3) Report on optimization.
WEnR, HR, SFS and other interested partners (open source) to benefit from it.
Interested parties can develop new irrigation related products and technologies based on rockwool.
4) Prototype HR.
HR will have a new product for potential commercialization after further development.
5) Cost benefit analysis.
WEnR, HR, SFS and other interested partners (open source) to benefit from it.
This could be used by project partners to scale up the takeover of the technology by other interested parties.

Hoe gaan de participanten van het project om met intellectueel eigendom dat voorkomt uit deze projecten?

WENR, knowledge made publicly accessible through website, reports and depending on results, scientific papers.

The prototype will be available for HR for the potential development of new product.

Op welke wijze wordt de informatie over dit project op eenvoudige wijze voor het algemene publiek kenbaar gemaakt (beschrijving van het onderzoek, deelnemers en de planning en voortgang)?

• Through WUR website: Deltatechnologie
• Publication in farmer journals in target areas and/or internationally
• Through HR and SFS (website) and information to its potential clients


• Through WUR website: Deltatechnologie
• Publication in farmer journals in target areas and/or internationally
• Through HR and SFS (website) and information to its potential clients

Projecteigenaar en projectleider(s)

Ir. J.A. (Arjan) Budding
dr. A. (Angel) de Miguel Garcia


  • Hydrorock International B.V.
  • Smart Farm Sensing B.V.
  • Stichting Wageningen Research
  • TKI Deltatechnologie


Advanced SubSurface Irrigation System using Hydrorock(ASSIST)-2023-2

Resultaat type
Publicatie(s) peer reviewed - gerealiseerd

In front of you is the final report of our project; with all the experiments, discussions and knowledge created during the implementation of the ASSIST project.

Wetenschappelijke publicatie?

Advanced SubSurface Irrigation System using Hydrorock(ASSIST)-2023-4

Resultaat type
Tussentijds resultaat

Extensive WUR report summarizing the most relevant results achieved during the project
- de Miguel García, A., Borghuis, G., & Snethlage, J. (2023). Use of Hydrorock blocks for subsurface irrigation of orchards:" ASSIST-advanced subsurface irrigation system using Hydrorock (DOI – ISSN 1566-7197)
Two Master Thesis under the MSc International Land and Water Management of Wageningen University
- Havana-Kay, C.M. (2023). Hydrorock as a Sub-surface Irrigation Technology: Salinity Development, Sensoring and Water Use Efficiency. MSc International Land and Water Management. Water, Society and Technology, 1131478, WRM 80436.
- Arıkan, G.C. (2023). HydroRock Irrigation. The Evaluation of Stone wool Performance and Its' Configurations for Sustainable Irrigation Management. MSc International Land and Water Management. Water, Society and Technology, 1117521, WRM 80436.

- A scientific publication is under preparation thanks to the collaboration with Arabian Gulf University in Bahrain.

The private companies has also used the results to promote their products in target countries (Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain, Morocco, Australia and Spain) and internationals fairs.

Several commercial products are available at the Hydrorock website, including a video about the functioning of the technology.

Results have been also disseminated through the collaboration with other international institutions for the pilot developments and their networks (International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) in Dubai, Arabian Gulf University in Bahrain and Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food safety Authority (ADAFSA) in Abu Dhabi).

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Advanced SubSurface Irrigation System using Hydrorock(ASSIST)-2022-2

Resultaat type
Tussentijds resultaat

• Hydrorock technology is under testing to evaluate its suitability as a subsurface irrigation technology for orchards. In order to do so, two pilots with date palm are under assessment, one located in Dubai (two years) and a new one located in Bahrein (1 year).
 In both cases, the HR technology is tested in comparison with mini bubbler drippers, a common technology used in those countries for date palm irrigation.
 In the pilot in Dubai, the test also evaluate the effects of different degrees of salinity (5 dS/cm, 10 dS/cm and 15 dS/cm) in the performance of the technology, the salt accumulation in the soil and the yields.
 In the pilot of Bahrein, different rate of irrigation (100% ET, 90% ET, 80% ET and 70% ET) are under evaluation.
 In all cases, the HR is showing a good performance compared with the mini bubbler technology, both in terms of soil moisture, soil salinity and yield, while the water applied is lower than in the bubblers.
• The project is also supporting the partners (Smart Farm Sensing) in the development of a platform for online monitoring and management, improving the user experience and the accuracy of the results.

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