Consortium to improve & innovate Global circulation forecasting tools Deltares Global Tide and Surge Model and the Volvo Ocean Race (GTSM-VOR)
Samenvatting project
The ability to produce rapid and reliable water level and (multi-level) current predictions anywhere around the globe at any time will provide a cutting-edge advantage to users of the system compared to potential competitors. This is especially relevant to Dutch industry that is active in many coastal areas (e.g. dredging and offshore wind) coastal maintenance and harbour development. These improved techniques will allow for optimal navigation decisions not just in the competitive sailing sector but most importantly will support optimization of trade routes and promote more efficient shipping. The global model will find applications in areas of low data availability which are difficult to access and with complex dynamics. It can be used in areas vulnerable to storms and cyclones where fast and accurate local information is required for emergency decision-making and disaster risk reduction. For the offshore and coastal infrastructure industry (e.g. harbours dredging navigation) the GTSM can provide fast reliable water level and current predictions even in the absence of detailed measurements. This can be used in planning and rapid assessment studies as well as linked to operational modelling activities.
The objective of this current cooperation project is to improve the generic knowledge on global circulation prediction tools (numerical modelling handling large datasets stabilizing workflows optimizing exports) to be able to develop new products and services as relevant to the industry sector. Emphasis on improving quality and usability of global circulation products form the view point of industry stakeholders. We will test the reliability and usability of the predictions provided by the GTSM in some real cases and use the feedback and experience gained to improve the overall performance of the system and to make it available to even more users.
Doel van het project
The objective of this current cooperation project is to improve the generic knowledge on global circulation prediction tools (numerical modelling handling large datasets stabilizing workflows optimizing exports) to be able to develop new products and services as relevant to the industry sector. Emphasis on improving quality and usability of global circulation products form the view point of industry stakeholders. We will test the reliability and usability of the predictions provided by the GTSM in some real cases and use the feedback and experience gained to improve the overall performance of the system and to make it available to even more users.
The ability to produce rapid and reliable water level and (multi-level) current predictions anywhere around the globe at any time will provide a cutting-edge advantage to users of the system compared to potential competitors. This is especially relevant to Dutch industry that is active in many coastal areas (e.g. dredging and offshore wind) coastal maintenance and harbour development. These improved techniques will allow for optimal navigation decisions not just in the competitive sailing sector but most importantly will support optimization of trade routes and promote more efficient shipping. The global model will find applications in areas of low data availability which are difficult to access and with complex dynamics. It can be used in areas vulnerable to storms and cyclones where fast and accurate local information is required for emergency decision-making and disaster risk reduction. For the offshore and coastal infrastructure industry (e.g. harbours dredging navigation) the GTSM can provide fast reliable water level and current predictions even in the absence of detailed measurements. This can be used in planning and rapid assessment studies as well as linked to operational modelling activities.
Uitgevoerde acties
See attached the detailed work plan. From the project inception in June2017 until its finish in July 2018 there are developments and activities every month.The workload is closely associated with the timing of legs of the VolvoOcean Race 2017-2018. The planning shows the different contributions by Deltares and by Team AkzoNobel. In short after inception on 1 June 2017:
Q2 2017: Mobilization 1st pilot
Q3 2017: 2nd pilot Pre-race improvements
Q4 2017: Actual race start DCSM3D work intensifies
Q1 2018: Several legs & feedback DCSM3D work continues
Q2 2018: Several legs & feedback system evaluation & wrap-up
A separate table details the proposed interactions with the other partners and the potential end-users of the results. At least 7 meetings are proposed during the development.
Verwachtte resultaten
A major part of the proposed activities is the delivery of surface currentpredictions up to 7 days in advance in a number of areas around theglobe corresponding to the planned legs of the Volvo Ocean Race. Theselection of the areas and the timeframes is derived from thediscussions with partners about their specific needs and their on-goingfeedback about the predictions as they are produced.Horizontal resolution of the tiles differs depending on the locationbetween 0.025° and 0.050° resolution. The results of the GTSMwill beexported as GRIB files on a regular grid for the end-users to downloadand use. The results include surface currents that are composed ofcomponents from tidal currents (GTSM) and non-tidal currents (from the HYCOMNRL model).Output from this cooperation can be summarized: Improved software dealing with global circulation predictions (improving both the numerical models and the capability/techniques to deal with large data) A better fit with the industries desires in terms of output formats preferredmedia frequency etc. Per activity outputs will be:
Q2 2017: Improved forecasts in the North Sea
Q3 2017: Improved forecasts in the North Sea Biscay Bay west Iberia global tool
Q4 2017: Improved system with optimized formats and media
Q1 2017: Continued global forecasts improved operational DCSM3Dmodel
Q2 2017: Overview document at the end of the project.
Active participation in the final workshop at the end of the Volvo Ocean Race June 2018 in Scheveningen.
In this joint development there will be intensive cooperation between Deltares (the knowledge institute and software developer) Team AkzoNobel (the in-situ output tester and main feedback-provider) and the other parties (secondary feedback-providers and future users /early-adopters) to improve global circulation forecast tools as needed by the industry. Improving both the GTSM and the DCSM numerical models' accuracy but also the operational platform's ability to handle large datasets and produce the desired output are parallel relevant innovation components. Here a major hurdle is providing global surface current maps which combine both tidal circulation (most important over continental shelves)and non-tidal circulation (most important over deeper ocean waters) accurately yet without needing a large investment in raw computational power. For this one needs clever tools to handle large datasets elegantly. These improved techniques will allow for optimal navigation decisionsnot just in the competitive sailing sector but most importantly will support optimization of trade routes and promote more efficient shipping.
Niet ingevuld
Hoe gaan de participanten van het project om met intellectueel eigendom dat voorkomt uit deze projecten?
Alle partijen krijgen alle resultaten van het Project ter beschikking. De resultaten van de samenwerking kunnen breed verspreid worden. Partijen kunnen over deze resultaten vrijelijk publiceren. De resultaten zullen volledig openbaar beschikbaar zijn, met uitzondering van ter beschikking gestelde achtergrondkennis.
Op welke wijze wordt de informatie over dit project op eenvoudige wijze voor het algemene publiek kenbaar gemaakt (beschrijving van het onderzoek, deelnemers en de planning en voortgang)?
De informatie over dit project wordt kenbaar gemaakt via de website van de TKI Deltatechnologie (projectbeschrijving) en de projectwiki van Deltares (projectvoortgang en resultaten).
Na de datum waarop deze Overeenkomst in werking is getreden, maar uiterlijk tot een jaar voor de beoogde datum waarop het Project zal zijn voltooid, kunnen ondernemers en/of onderzoeksinstellingen, die op het terrein van het relevante subsidieprogramma van het TKI werkzaam zijn alsnog als Partij toetreden. Een later toetredende Partij zal een nader overeen te komen bijdrage in kind en/of in cash moeten leveren die in redelijke verhouding staat tot zijn relatief aandeel in het Project na toetreding. De overige Partijen ontvangen vervolgens naar rato een terugbetaling en/ of gedeeltelijke vrijstellingen van hun nog te leveren bijdrage in kind, voor zover niet besloten wordt de bijdrage van de later toetredende Partij aan het projectbudget toe te voegen.
Projecteigenaar en projectleider(s)
- Provincie Zuid Holland
- Rijkswaterstaat Utrecht
- Steam Ocean Racing B.V.
- Stichting Deltares (Delft)
- TKI Deltatechnologie
- Topsector Water & Maritiem
- Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V.
Consortium to improve & innovate Global circulation forecasting tools Deltares Global Tide and Surge Model and the Volvo Ocean Race (GTSM-VOR)-2018-3
FINAL REPORT: Memo_evaluation_FEWS-VOR.pdf, available on:
Nov. 2017: “Dutch research and high-level sports come together during Volvo Ocean Race”
June 2018: “Global hydraulic model crucial in new distance record during the Volvo Ocean Race”
Deltares R&D highlights, 2019: “Ocean research and outstanding sporting performance during the Volvo Ocean Race”