Delft-FEWS 2020: Self-deploying and Scalable Cloud Version

Samenvatting project

Kennisinstellingen ontwikkelen numerieke modellen voor ontwerp en toetsing van waterkeringen en andere infrastructuur. Een numeriek model is zo goed als de metingen waarop het model gekalibreerd en gevalideerd
is. Metingen zijn echter vaak in handen van private partijen. Bovendien vergt het kalibreren van complexe modellen veel
rekenkracht, en ook rekenkracht is veelal in handen van private partijen. Het gevolg is dat kalibratie en validatie van numerieke modellen sporadisch gebeurt tegen een beperkte dataset. Dit project faciliteert en automatiseert de uitwisseling van deze 4 essentiële componenten binnen een ontwerpcyclus voor numerieke modellen via een online cloud platform: modellen + expertise (publiek) en meetgegevens + rekenkracht (privaat) (zie figuur). Daarmee komt
(her)kalibratie en (her)validatie ook voor complexe numerieke modellen (hybride hard/zachte keringen, nature-based solutions) en voor specifieke (engineering) toepassingen binnen handbereik.

Doel van het project

The main aim of this project is to deliver the next generation operational system which will be able to scale up during extreme weather events to provide more accurate detailed and faster information which will help the water authorities all over the world to reduce the impact of these events. The operational system will also be able to store and easily exchange data using generally accepted open data standards. The result of this project will contribute to the challenge of effectively sharing the increasing amounts of data models tools and information for water management (monitoring control and decision-making). The project will focus on the R&I-topic “Data Platform clear agreements on standards community approach”.By delivering this next generation operational system The Netherlands can remain their leading position in this field. This will allow the Dutch business to open new markets and service the existing market better. This next generation operational system will also lower the threshold for consultants to use this operational system in national and international projects. It will also mean that more consultants will try to make this step to start using the next generation operational system.The next generation operational system that is self-scaling and completely cloud proof will be released in December 2018. Deltares and partners will provide a generic solution which can be applied to all (potential) users of the current world leading operational system called Delft-FEWS.


The frequency and severity of extreme weather events are increasing. Good and reliable operational systems which can reduce the impact of these extreme weather events are crucial. At times of an extreme event the authorities call on operational systems to get the right information in time with the best quality and in the highest resolution possible. Due to the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events there is a demand for operational systems to deliver better faster and higher quality information. To fulfil this demand the operational system needs extra resources and be able to scale up (size and resolution) at times of an extreme weather event. Currently there is no mission critical operational system in the world which can scale up (or down) at times of severe weather events.The Netherlands is currently the market leader in the field of operational systems with the operational system called Delft-FEWS a widely used data and forecasting platform developed at Deltares. To remain this leading position it is crucial to develop a next generation operational system which can scale up and down in the cloud. The cloud delivers extra computational resources which are needed e.g. during a flood event to provide faster better and in higher resolution the required information. Besides the demand for scalable operational systems we see a trend in which more and more water authorities wish for more data exchange with other organisations and the public e.g. “Digitale Delta”. On top of that more and more data is becoming available through the cloud. This desires to comply with generally accepted open data standards taking into account data security aspects. Better accessibility to and exchange of data gives opportunities for so called “Smart Water Management”. Water authorities underline the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and they have a demand for long-term storage of monitoring data external (meteorological) and int



Uitgevoerde acties

The development of the next generation operational system is divided in three tracks. Each track can be executed parallel to the other two tracks. First track is to develop a cloud based operational system which is cloud-vendor neutral. This track will provide a system which is easily scalable (up and down) and can provide the resources needed to deliver accurate and high resolution information for the water authorities.The second track is the development of cloud-based secure data-exchange component. This component provides in the opportunity to exchange data easily and securely between different systems and providers through the cloud.Track three is the development of a data-storage component which makes it possible to store long-term monitoring data external (meteorological) and internally generated forecasts into a flexible archive solution for e.g. post-event analysesEvery track has its own roadmap in which the developments and timeline have been described. These three roadmaps are the basis for the whole project. We expect to have a first pilot in the summer of 2018. In December 2018 the final version of the next generation operational system will be released and the pilot can be demonstrated. The three roadmaps and a management summary of the planned developments are available on request.

Verwachtte resultaten

This project will result in the next generation operational system which will be able to scale up during extreme weather events to provide more accurate detailed and faster information which will help the water authorities all over the world to reduce the impact of these events. The solution will be cloud-vendor neutral. A pilot system in the cloud of this next generation operational system will be available in the summer of 2018. This pilot system (test system) will be created for the application of one (or more) of the contributing clients. At the end of 2018 this version will become officially available in the Autumn software release of Delft-FEWS. This software version will also comply with new open data standards which will make data sharing and exchange with other applications easier and facilitates the interaction with the long-term storage (archive).At this stage there is already a close cooperation between Deltares public and private companies regarding the developments and implementation of Delft-FEWS. First the next generation operational system results in state-of-the art innovative software which is the basis of future cooperation. Secondly the proposed new developments will further strengthen this relationship because we will carry out the developments closely together with our partners. Thirdly this innovation has the potential to create more and new business in the field of operational water management and thereby more projects in which public and private partners will work together.


There are no existing software packages for mission critical operational client-server systems which can run in the cloud in the current market. The current existing systems are also not self-scaling (from one server to cloud) and not suitable to be used operationally for disciplines like flood forecasting water quality reservoir management hydropower navigation groundwater drought and dike strength monitoring. This project will result in the next generation operational system to be state-of-the-art in the field of mission critical operational forecasting systems (partly) running in the cloud. This will allow organisations with operational (forecasting) systems to generate faster and more accurate information about e.g. the (upcoming) flood threat or flood event by using the capabilities of the cloud.


Niet ingevuld

Hoe gaan de participanten van het project om met intellectueel eigendom dat voorkomt uit deze projecten?

Alle partijen krijgen alle resultaten van het Project ter beschikking. De resultaten van de samenwerking kunnen breed verspreid worden. Partijen kunnen over deze resultaten vrijelijk publiceren. De resultaten zullen volledig openbaar beschikbaar zijn, met uitzondering van ter beschikking gestelde achtergrondkennis.

Op welke wijze wordt de informatie over dit project op eenvoudige wijze voor het algemene publiek kenbaar gemaakt (beschrijving van het onderzoek, deelnemers en de planning en voortgang)?

De informatie over dit project wordt kenbaar gemaakt via de website van de TKI Deltatechnologie (projectbeschrijving) en de projectwiki van Deltares (projectvoortgang en resultaten).


Na de datum waarop deze Overeenkomst in werking is getreden, maar uiterlijk tot een jaar voor de beoogde datum waarop het Project zal zijn voltooid, kunnen ondernemers en/of onderzoeksinstellingen, die op het terrein van het relevante subsidieprogramma van het TKI werkzaam zijn alsnog als Partij toetreden. Een later toetredende Partij zal een nader overeen te komen bijdrage in kind en/of in cash moeten leveren die in redelijke verhouding staat tot zijn relatief aandeel in het Project na toetreding. De overige Partijen ontvangen vervolgens naar rato een terugbetaling en/ of gedeeltelijke vrijstellingen van hun nog te leveren bijdrage in kind, voor zover niet besloten wordt de bijdrage van de later toetredende Partij aan het projectbudget toe te voegen.

Projecteigenaar en projectleider(s)

Hans Groot
Gerben Boot


  • CoVadem Services B.V.
  • Goulburn Murray Water
  • HKV Lijn in Water B.V.
  • Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden
  • Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
  • Hoogheemraadschap Schieland en Krimpenerwaard
  • Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland
  • Nelen & Schuurmans B.V.
  • Rijkswaterstaat Utrecht
  • Stichting Deltares (Delft)
  • Stichting Waternet
  • TKI Deltatechnologie
  • Waterschap Aa en Maas
  • Waterschap De Dommel
  • Waterschap Hollandse Delta
  • Waterschap Limburg
  • Waterschap Noorderzijlvest
  • Waterschap Scheldestromen
  • Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe
  • Waterschap Zuiderzeeland


Delft-FEWS 2020: Self-deploying and Scalable Cloud Version-2019-1

Resultaat type
2x software version (incl. Release Notes)
2x Presentations

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