WaterLOUPE Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategies
Samenvatting project
The production processes of Kimberly-Clark require considerable amounts of water. Being one of the big water users among other beneficial uses such as drinking water production, agriculture, ecology and recreation Kimberly-Clark wants to take responsibility for sustainable water resource management in regions showing a risk of, among others, water scarcity. Water related risks such as water scarcity should be assessed to ensure sufficient water of good quality for now and in the future for all stakeholders in a river basin at risk. In 2017 Kimberly-Clark and Deltares started a cooperation to tackle that challenge. One of the main developments of the project is a water risk dashboard (WaterLOUPE) to visualize the water scarcity risks to all stakeholders at the local level. For more information please watch the short engagement movie at https://vimeo.com/370024329.
From 2017 to 2020, the approach was implemented for cases in Colombia, in Sao Paulo, Argentina, Cape Town, Israel, Bahrain, Peru and Chennai. With several local cases developed in different types of catchments, climatic and economical zones and many interactions with end-users, we wish to improve the current tool (underlying local data, scientific concepts and visualisation) and develop an interactive module with information on solution strategies, we want to research the impact of using allocation schemes in the risk calculation, and develop a methodology to select solution strategies in multi-stakeholders settings.
Our goal is to provide the WaterLOUPE users with a tool to assess solution strategies to decrease water scarcity risks, putting these measures in perspective and support them in promoting water stewardship, ultimately contributing to SDG6.
Doel van het project
After conducting a water scarcity risk assessment with a group of stakeholders a logical next step is to jointly explore possible solutions to decrease the watergap and reduce water scarcity risks of the various sectors and population groups in the area. By reducing the water scarcity risk the economic risk of the different sectors water users and urban area as a whole is reduced.In order to prevent the implementation of apparently obvious technical measures that may not deliver the desired long-term system resilience or not reduce the risks of all water users and/or result in adverse effects it is important that a multi-stakeholder exploratory analysis is carried out. This is a needed process before a specific package of measures is fully quantitatively calculated.With the WaterLOUPE Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategies we aim to facilitate this process by providing a knowledge base a new module of the WaterLOUPE dashboard and a workshop approach which together will enable multi-stakeholder development of water scarcity mitigation strategies.Main elements of WaterLOUPE Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategies are:1.Development of new WaterLOUPE dashboard module that provides a knowledge base for development of mitigation strategies. The module provides an overview of main characteristics of a variety of technical natured based engineering and policy measures that increase water availability or decrease water demand. Characteristics include aspects such as incremental water availability spatial and temporal dimensions of the measure co-benefits and disadvantages suitability with respect to catchment specific characteristics environmental impact and Suitability of the measure in its social economic and political context.2.A selection of pre-defined mitigation strategies that can serve as an example during workshops. The pre-defined mitigation strategies are developed technically as well as in qualitative/descriptive/visual storylines that fac
With severe local dases developed in different types of catchment with mega cities, climatic and economic zones and many interactions with end-users, we wish to further improve the current tool (underlying local data, scientific concepts and visualization) and provide a tool to evaluate and select solutions to develop water scarcity mitigation strategies in a multi-stakeholder setting.
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Uitgevoerde acties
1. Development of dashboard module that provides a knowledge base for development of mitigation strategies.
Industrial research best way to build prototype of interactive WaterLOUPE module using the results of the literature study and expert enquiry (TKI 2020)
Deltares will develop the dashboard based on the literature study done in 2020 and the practical examples of KC.
2. Development of pre-defined water scarcity mitigation strategies
Experimental develop pre-defined mitigation strategies based on existing knowledge (technical).
KC will provide their experience in water scarcity mitigation strategies and Deltares will develop the storylines integrating the strategies in IWRM concepts.
3. Further development of the existing WaterLOUPE dashboard
Industrial research how to improve the flexibility of Water LOUPE dashboard to include mitigation measures and assess the applicability of of Ribasim and BlueEarth datasets for WaterLOUPE for a specific case
Deltares will improve the flexibility of the dashboard and assess the applicability of Ribasim and BlueEarth datasets for WaterLOUPE.
KC will give feedback on the new development from the perspective of the end user.
4. Workshop Sao Paulo: testing evaluating and showcasing WaterLOUPE Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategies
Experimental Include interactive tool (1) pre-defined mitigation strategies (2) and improved WaterLOUPE dashboard (3) in workshop approach. Showcase the new developments during WaterLOUPE workshop Sao Paulo.
Deltares and KC will co-organize the workshop. Deltares will apply the new methodology and developments and KC will bring in their knowledge of the region and experience as company in water scarcity mitigation strategies.
5. Outreach and project management
Industrial essential part of the different activities of the project
DLT: project management joint outreach and engagement with new stakeholders team meetings KCC: joint outreach and engagement with new stakeholders team meetings
Verwachtte resultaten
1. Prototype of interactive tool that provides an overview of main characteristics of a variety of technical natured based and policy measures. 2021
2. Pre-defined water scarcity mitigation strategies including descriptive/visual storylines. 2021
3. Improved WaterLOUPE dashboard. 2021
4. Improved workshop approach for the development of WaterLOUPE Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategies 2022
In this project the innovation lies mostly in the coupling of technical and socio-economic data from different scales (global national local) the processing of these data and the visualization of the results in an understandable and simple way based on scientifically sound concepts. WRI has a global tool (Aqueduct) that presents water related risks to business at the global scale. Deltares is also partner in the development of that tool. WaterLOUPE is the next step in which water scarcity risks are put “under the loupe” meaning it shares detailed information at the local level so that multinationals and other stakeholders in a basin can take adequate and timely measures by using the same knowledge base. Co-creating such a tool in direct cooperation with a manufacturer is new to Deltares and to Kimberly-Clark and to our knowledge has not been done before.Innovative of WaterLOUPE is for example the risk assessment at actor-group level instead of only at sector level. For example it specifies between the impacts of water scarcity for extreme poor poor and non-poor people. The distinction in impacts at actor level are key in establishing good water stewardship of the industry for the catchment and in contributing to the SDGs especially SDG 6. Linking the effect of different measures to societal impact is a research topic in development. It is not only about the effect of measures on reducing the overall water gap but what that additional water means to the different user groups is. This is an inclusive approach also addressing the issue of inequality in which we account for the fact that different sector groups place a different value on water depending on the way the water is utilized (well being livelihood income). This would also demonstrate how water allocation choices can affect the magnitude of risk. Scientific concepts that underly these calculations are still in development.
1. Prototype of interactive tool that provides an overview of main characteristics of a variety of technical, nature based and policy measures
- Use: Kimberly Clark, other stakeholder in the basins of WaterLOUPE
- Organize: This is a module of a dashboard that Deltares and KC will make publicly available through a website
2. Pre-defined water scarcity mitigation strategies, including descriptive/visual storylines
- Use: Kimberly Clark, other stakeholders in Sao Paulo
- Organize: Deltares and KC will use them in a workshop
3. Improved WaterLOUPE dashboard
- Use: Kimberly Clark, other stakeholders in the basins of WaterLOUPE
- Organize: Deltares and KC will use them in a workshop
4. Improved workshop approach for the development of WaterLOUPE Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategies
- Use: River basin authorities, corporates, other stakeholders in basins in the world
- Organize: this is a dashboard that Deltares and KC will make publicly available through a website
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Projecteigenaar en projectleider(s)
- Kimberly Clark
- Stichting Deltares (Delft)
- TKI Deltatechnologie
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